Qualitative 360 Review
Wonder how other people see you? Let me ask them!
Gaining feedback can really help to understand reality. It builds the external aspect of self-awareness – what you know about how others see you. Almost always, clients are surprised by insights on their strengths and gain really actionable insight on all feedback. This process can be particularly useful at times of change, such as a new role, new responsibilities or projects and can demonstrate willingness to listen and develop. I run my 360 by interview with your chosen respondents and can get good quality responses and probe for more understanding or examples, which is not always forthcoming in a more routine, electronic 360.
How it works:
We take the time to discuss the approach, settling on some areas of questioning for participants.
You chose 8+ participants typically management, stakeholders, line reports, peers and people from your personal networks.
You approach them and then I follow up with a short interview, using pre-agreed questions.
I compile this into a summary document which reports the themes that arose from the interviews.
I work hard to protect the anonymity of your respondents and help you to focus on themes from the analysis, not individual responses.
We work together to consider the feedback and look for insight and action.
Because of the need to reflect on the feedback, 360 cannot be standalone and must be part of a coaching program.